Facility-based continuing care review

Alberta took on the ambitious task of reviewing our entire continuing care system through a comprehensive, year-long review. Here’s what the final report recommends.

New legislation

It’s virtually impossible to transform any health care system if we’re still governed by legislation from 40 to 60 years ago. That’s the situation we’re facing in Alberta as we commit to modernizing the continuing care system … yet we lack some of the foundational tools needed.

Continuing care regulations

While legislation confers broad powers or imposes high-level restrictions, regulations are intended to govern the details around who is accountable to carry out specific actions and what those actions should entail. Alberta initiated some consultation with the continuing sector and Albertans in 2022-23 to understand priorities and expectations. Now the work of drafting regulations is under way in preparation for regulations coming into force some time in 2024.

Facility accreditation

By June 2025, care homes in Alberta will need to be accredited to ensure they meet common standards of performance and accountability. Accreditation protects all residents in care and ensures consistency across contracted operators.

Most CHAA care homes have been accredited for years — long before the requirement came into force — as a reflection of our commitment to high quality, safe care.