FBCC challenge areas identified
The FBCC report noted shortcomings within the current system, such as:
Inadequate choice and autonomy for residents.
The need for improvements in dementia care.
Less-than-adequate integration and alignment with other health and social services.
System complexity that makes it difficult for users/families to navigate.
Insufficient staffing levels, and too few full-time workers.
Too much focus on auditing rather than on quality of life/quality of care outcomes.
Insufficient cultural diversity in services provision.
Insufficient use of technology, innovation and research to make system improvements.
Aging infrastructure that is challenged to meet contemporary needs.

Priorities for action
A few pressing priorities were targeted for immediate action in 2023-25:
Finding ways to keep couples/partners together.
Phasing out shared rooms in continuing care.
Updating the guidelines for building design to incent new models of care.
Enhancing services for Indigenous populations.
Increasing transparency around inspection results.
Expanding community and home care services.
Work on the Facility-based Continuing Care (FBCC) Review recommendations is well under way and is expected to continue for years to come.

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PCBF funding research
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Our focus on solutions
CHAA operators have a unique system-level vantage point to observe gaps and challenges between the interconnected parts of the healthcare system.

Quality of life
Quality of life is largely determined by the sense of family and shared values within facility-based living.