In 2019, CHAA’s continuing care operators began discussions with sector partners about modernizing our care system. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the urgency of system transformation, and by 2021, Alberta’s Facility-Based Continuing Care (RBCC) Review laid out a seven-year plan to begin the ambitious plans to transform continuing care.
Two years later, our sector has made a huge amount of progress together. CHAA’s board has been closely involved with all aspects of planning — including meetings as often as weekly to offer advice and input on potential system changes.

2020: Collaborative working groups created to consult on the continuing care change plan
Sector consultations on Facility-Based Continuing Care (FBCC) Review
2021: Palliative and End of Life consultations begin
FBCC Review – Final report released
2022: Drafting of new Continuing Care Act
Regulations consultation begin
Planning begins for home care enhancements
Funding model review discussions begin
Workforce discussions begin
2023: Continuing Care Act passed
Workforce strategy discussions and actions begin.
Regulations drafting begins

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Our focus on solutions
CHAA operators have a unique system-level vantage point to observe gaps and challenges between the interconnected parts of the healthcare system.

Quality of life
Quality of life is largely determined by the sense of family and shared values within facility-based living.

Acute care pressures
Capacity issues or delays within home care, primary care, and continuing care access can contribute to -- and even be a direct cause of -- capacity problems within acute care.