Not-for-profit operators pride ourselves on our long legacy of charitable giving and volunteerism.
Our first faith-based nursing posts in the 1800s were largely run by volunteer missionaries and health care workers. As public funding for continuing care emerged in the 1940s and 1950s, CHAA operators continued to attract a large pool of committed, experienced volunteers. By 2021 we were blessed with nearly 7,500 volunteers in CHAA care homes who provided nearly 400,000 hours of volunteer service annually.
While the number of volunteers dropped during the pandemic, non-profit care homes continue to be supported by thousands of volunteer workers Alberta. Most volunteers focus on enhancing quality of life for residents through music, song, spiritual care, crafts and workshops, social outings, pet therapy, companionship, gardening, transportation, and many other functions.

Volunteer opportunities
Every CHAA care home welcomes the talents and gifts of volunteers. With not-for-profit care homes situated in 50% of all municipal districts in Alberta, there’s likely volunteer spot close to home.
If you’re interested in volunteering, view the links in our members section to find opportunities with a CHAA faith-based care home operator in your area.

Related Content
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Mission and values
Learn more about how we support Albertan's in need.

Family caregivers
Only 5% of seniors will ever need care in a continuing care facility. The remaining 95% will often look to family caregivers to support their health, safety, and well-being at home.

Our focus
Not-for-profit organizations occupy a special place in the health care system. We got into this line of work because we view it as a calling rather than a business. It's a mission of service. Something we're committed to, even when times are tough.